
Healthy life I pray.

I was so so so sick in today.The pain was... UNBEARABLE.
I'm actually a very very pain.
If I was just having some headache I will just drink more water and maybe take a nap.
Cause I just hate eating those pills like pain-killer, Panadol.

Maybe I'm getting older or whatever shit, I just can't bear with the pain anymore and finally I have to eat some pain-killer in order to get well.

In the morning, I can feel my headache like become more painful and want to get fever. So i decided to shower myself to not feel so heaty. Then I feel more better but after like 1 hour, Mr. Headache knocked my head and say hi to me again and I get my fever. And I thought, maybe I should take a nap then will feel better. After 1 hour nap, I woke up, and my head is still aching LIKE HELL. I tried to relax and drink more more more water. BUT JUST FREAKING FAIL.

I gave up. Eat 1 Panadol and no more pain.

When I was a kid, I remember when adults made their birthday wish as 身體健康. And I feel so wasted to ask for a healthy body WHY DON'T YOU WISH YOU CAN GET ALL THE BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES IN THE WORLD.

Then when i'm growing up, how hard how difficult to ask for a healthy body.
How much I wish, for everyone I know to have a healthy body.

