You think I care what you think about me ? Gah, give me break.
Everyday, people judge. No matter how much you tried to change yourself, they judge.
So I've decided not giving a damn anymore. Heck care how you think ? This is my life I'm gonna live it with the way I love to.
No matter how much I tried.....
You know. How much I've changed. I hate people judging.
Not pretty, Not smart, Not skinny, fat, short, ugly... etc
I've been listening all these comments from others, maybe they were just joking with it. But seriously, imagine you're the one receiving these comments.
Not saying I'm pretty now, but yea, I was a ugly girl when primary school and sec 1 and 2.
Then I started to change I learnt how to make up, I learnt how to dress well, I learnt how to behave like a girl.....
You will never know how much efforts I've put in.
Yea I make up and so what ? 你以為我不希望自己不用化妝就可以很漂亮嗎 你以為七早八早起床化妝是一件很舒服的事嗎.
--If you don't have anything nice to say, just STFU.