

那時候 你喜歡A, 恰巧A也喜歡你
過了很久很久, A才從你心裡徹底的移出去 因為你想長大了

然後你跟B在一起, 過了不久, 你和B也分手了

整理心情, 過了很難熬的一段時間, 你想開始新生活了
你稱心如意的長大了 可是你發現一切不像以前那麼簡單了

你喜歡C, 但C沒有恰巧喜歡你
C喜歡D, C和D在一起了

E喜歡你, 但是你知道, 你不會喜歡E
你在等未知的F, 但是F遲遲沒有出現, 又或許F早就跟你差身而過了

你開始懷念起A和B, 那畢竟是你愛過的人

你又是也唏噓, 怎麼生活變成這個樣子

你以前有很好很好的朋友, 他們叫G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N
有你的發小, 初中同學, 高中同學. 
你們一直聯繫 一直聯繫

後來你發現, G不經常給你打電話了, 發信息有時後也不回
你原諒他, 因為大家都忙

後來你發現H和I居然在一起, 很幸福
你也可以跟他們一起玩, 但是總覺得自己很多餘

後來J找了一個很靠譜的男朋友, 與其他的朋友很少聯繫了

後來K失戀了, 失戀的那幾天她天天打電話給你 跟你哭跟你訴
過了一個月又開始新的戀情 你又接不到他的電話了

有一天你給L打了通電話 你心裡突然很難過

M是你最好的朋友 你們覺得彼此是個依靠 也許是你唯一的依靠
但是他也很忙 M偶爾也發來信息 但你一看就知道是群發的那種
一開始你會回一句"你也是" 後來你連回也不想回了
你安慰自己說 心裡有就好了

你現在有很好很好的朋友 他們叫O,P,Q,R,S,T,U

O是你上大學來最好的朋友 你們每天一起上課下課
你覺得你們一見如故 你覺得他是你的知己 最懂你的人

但是三個月過後 你發現 聯繫漸漸少了
你開始懷疑 當初的了解是不是真的發生過
就這樣 你開始懷疑一些真實發生過的事的真實性
懷疑著懷疑著 就真的疏遠了

P,Q你們會定期出來聚會吃飯打牌. 開心到你不敢去想未來有一天你們離別

但是有時候 你也會想自己呆著, 不為甚麼

R是你偶然認識的, 偶爾消息
即使你知道 你們只是很普通普通的朋友

但是你們從不分享心事 也不知道各自的過往
你一直覺得很遺憾 但是她一直不說你就不想問 因為你不想知道太多了

你很想了解T 但是T總是若即若離
你們看似很好, 但其實也不是那麼好

U總是幫你 甚麼事只要你說, 他都會幫忙

於是你想 也許就是這麼一個存在吧
但是他們現在在不同的城市 都有自己的生活

那生活似乎跟你沒什麼關係 你也插不上太多嘴

你很想找到新朋友 他們也許叫V,W,X,Y
你想讓V陪你逛街, 想讓W陪你唱歌, 想讓X陪你說話, 讓Y跟你瘋跟你鬧
你下定決心如果再碰到新朋友 你一定好好珍惜
但是你突然意識到 你總是這樣下定決心 你總是想好好珍惜下一批人
你總是想要逃避現狀 懒於解決問題

在故事的最後的最後 你相信會有一個Z

你相信會有這麼一個人 你會找到他
也許沒有浪漫的相遇 沒有浪漫的相戀
但是你已經疲憊到不再期待浪漫 只是嚮往平靜自然的幸福

也許幸福現在都還沒有 但是故事的最後
'as human nature' 總會有Z出現

但是需要明瞭的事, 在Z出現之前,


现在是什么心情 我不晓得

压力又从SPM来了 中五中五中五
怎么办 😢😢
现在的我 什么心情都有

Sunday morning,about 6.45pm I'm already wake up.
I get 15++ miss call from Shimay.
Bath and prepare everything ,later waiting this pretty girl come and fetch me
Still in a sleepy mood,i just sleep for three hours
Heritage again,cycling to beach street.
That day is No Car Day,and there have many activity going on
Cycling everywhere,and later we have our breakfast at Subway..
Many people at that time ,we faster eat and go for the next destination
Interactive museum again with them..we meet out primary teacher at there
And the people at there is more and more,damn hot!
After that,we went back.

While reach my home,bath and sleep in the whole noon
I was really tired,and wake up in the evening.

Hangout with this girl..
I may more enjoy just because of two person
Sometime I hate going out with a whole gang of friends.
I dono why soo...
Well,meet her at Jetty bus stop.
And have our Brunch at The Twelve Cup.
Just a normal food and drink
Later go for the Interactive Museum
Hopefully I know the place,haha..
Capture a lot of picture :)))
Quite a nice place,but I dislike many people in there
So hard to capture.
After that,we took bus to 1st Avenue
What up,hot whether everywhere 
Going for Boiling, although I don't know how to play
Take some food at there.
I bought two polo-t and one singlet in Giornado 
And She bought one polo-t
 My money almost finish..lol
Is about time to back from 1st
Take bus again.
We walk to the 55cafe.
Can i say far, transport problem 
Second cup coffee i take in ,in one day.
And i call my dad to fetch us back
Before that ,we are going to take some pic
In heritage While waiting for my dad.
Fetch YeePheng back to her house,
The place I never went before..
I just release how far that time
Okays,I hope one day i will know the way and the place

Yeepheng and me


The twelve cup

Interactive museum



A sudden mood,come to update my blog again
Well well,my holiday just left one month
Miss everything and full of activity...
Why tuition almost all start at December?!
Rearrange my time table again and again
My private coaching are also change..
Fine,Form five next year!pressure come a lot.
Everything start from chapter one
My holiday full of outing and gym.
Study? No...
Sometime I look like crazy,runningman every midnight
Is too funny and laughing hell in my room
Enjoy so much acually.
Holiday must look like tat  :)))
Gonna back Johor to visit my lovely sister soon
I just wait the day I free,miss there sooo.
Singapora again,if I go there!
Fly ticket with only one person is so nice..


Finally come to the end of the year.
It's my favourite month anyway.

聽說了 難怪最近你那麼難過 對不起沒有第一時間的安慰 因為完全不只情
親愛的別難過 有些事有些人如果真的是對的 到最後一定會在一起的
也許我們還小 說不起一輩子 也許等大家長大了 就更會珍惜對方阿
朋友一直都在 不管還是不是以前那樣的關係 但記得我們4個本來一開始就是好朋友
好朋友們 加油了



人就是这样 在感情里互相伤害 有人来伤害你 也有人会被你伤害 我们总在自己泪流的时候怪自己没用 于是给自己重重防护 好让别人接触不到真心也就不会被骗 披上伪装 几番征战之后 我们早已习惯这样的自己 可好不容易遇见一个能付之真心的人之后 我们却卸不下伪装 因为早就习惯性的想 自己是不是又会被伤


 哭得很狼狈 眼前看不见一切 朦朦的泪水不停的盖住了一切
不想要生活在这样的家庭里 一个没有情亲的家庭
一个没有关怀的家庭 你们每天只会工作
我不再乎了 放弃了 没有感觉了
现在的我没有办法 没办法离开
小时候 哭着哭着就笑了
长大后 笑着笑着就哭了
从小我的成绩差就会被人嘲笑 对呀,我的成绩真的很烂
你们的每一通电话 还不是打来要看看我的成绩有多差
再来嘲笑我 我都习惯了
我很努力的读 去考试
很压力 你们不会懂 还怪我
真的很恨 恨这为什么会有这样的亲戚
我就是差 就是烂 就是给你们看不起
世界就是现实的 只要你没有能力 你就是失败
社会里宁可当个坏人 也不要当个被人利用的好人
现在好啦 我不会在乎这一切
我觉得没有必要看到你们就称呼 不尊重?
我有必要吗 去尊敬一个重来都看不起你的那个人
我装傻 只是给你小小面子
我不会再像以前那么天真 长大了
我会然你们后悔 后悔当初把我看得那么不显眼
对你们绝 好过以后再被你们欺负
是不是你们的人生成功了 就可以看不起别人
人生的一开始面对的一切 就是要我以后面对你们时变得更绝
我不会让自己继续堕落 我会变成更好
谢谢你们的一切 让我变成现在的样子
我看透了 学会了很多 很多可能以后才能学会的事情
我说过我会让你们后悔 让你们看到我的改变。



If I chose a different path, would I be more happier than now. Hmm.
People used to regret what they've made at the very first place.

If I never chose to study in poly, maybe my life will be completely different now, I guess.
Though I'm a very playful person, I used to play hard (as in not party type) but yet, I love hanging out, go to different places, meet different people. 
But now, my life isn't the way I wanted it to be. It sorta, changed.
It changes to a very boring life. I don't know why, but it just happened gradually and don't even notice the change. 

I love hanging out, I really love it. But now, I'm stuck here. 
The people around me, they don't really hang out together, in fact, they love to study together.
Yea, I know concentrate on studies are way more important than outings. But yea, you don't need to study 24/7 throughout the year right. Doesn't mean I don't like em' or what, just that, this isn't me.
I know I should've appreciate how they change my life to a more serious person, but yea, I am still me.
I am still the playful me. I can't study all day, like after breakfast, study, then lunch, study, go home, study.

No man. I rather die than doing these shit again and again. Maybe this is why my results used to have big gap between my super smart classmate. Well, you can't have everything. Fun or good grade, your choice.

I can really tell you, I hate my life now. Hate how boring it is. I don't know why people can study all day all night like wtf this is what you want for your 16-year-old. 

I miss my friends like we can have fun and don't care anything but when we serious, we serious.

I can't find someone to crazy with me. Seriously.

如果當初選的路不是這個 那現在我會在哪裡 過著怎樣的生活

THIS IS WHY I HATE NERDS, not that type of (wearspecnerds) but those (nerdsinsideout)



Shopping with my mom,
actually we're going to Paragon,but mummy wanna buy some mask
okays...went for QB
and I ,hahahaaa
the purpose is buy my sport shoe yeaaa :))
she is so kind today,call me to choose by myself
Wow,and for indoor shoe not really nice n design
went for Royal,Nike n Adidas.
Finally get one at Adidas,
mummy paid for me,Thank You!
We have dinner at Aka aka Starvil Korean Cuisine & BBQ Restaurant
nice food n service
this Sunday spend my whole day with mummy.
I love you so muchhh
shoe for me

outfit of the day

This Wednesday,my Girl is coming back
I really miss you yayy
hang out again ,rock my day again
Heritage with her after reach Penang n take all my time lehhh
going out after school almost everday when the time you're in Penang
I'm so exited waiting this girl come  :D



Life is unpredictable.

Quote of my day. Wtf
Yeah things will just happened and I don't even know how to react. In fact I don't even know why it happened. People just love to screw with me Huh? Don't ever drama with me, I won't entertain you . Maybe the first time I'll smile and talk something better. If you go on with that fucking attitude, don't expect me to give you any good smile. WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE. I do whatever I like, how asshole you're to teach me how am I gonna live. 

有些事 聽聽別人要表達的是什麼 不要祇顧著自己怎麼想 別人那樣做 一定有他的理由
你不是我 你不知道我想的是什麼 別一幅很瞭解我的樣子 連我自己都不了解自己

Why can't everyone just leave everyone alone. It's my own life I have my thoughts my feelings and everything. Why can't just give me a break. You're not me you don't even know me. 

I really love my bestie so much. He knows me. I don't even need to say out loud, best friend type of love ! Appreciate lots. 


Healthy life I pray.

I was so so so sick in today.The pain was... UNBEARABLE.
I'm actually a very very pain.
If I was just having some headache I will just drink more water and maybe take a nap.
Cause I just hate eating those pills like pain-killer, Panadol.

Maybe I'm getting older or whatever shit, I just can't bear with the pain anymore and finally I have to eat some pain-killer in order to get well.

In the morning, I can feel my headache like become more painful and want to get fever. So i decided to shower myself to not feel so heaty. Then I feel more better but after like 1 hour, Mr. Headache knocked my head and say hi to me again and I get my fever. And I thought, maybe I should take a nap then will feel better. After 1 hour nap, I woke up, and my head is still aching LIKE HELL. I tried to relax and drink more more more water. BUT JUST FREAKING FAIL.

I gave up. Eat 1 Panadol and no more pain.

When I was a kid, I remember when adults made their birthday wish as 身體健康. And I feel so wasted to ask for a healthy body WHY DON'T YOU WISH YOU CAN GET ALL THE BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES IN THE WORLD.

Then when i'm growing up, how hard how difficult to ask for a healthy body.
How much I wish, for everyone I know to have a healthy body.





Judgy people out there.

I really fed up with some kiddo. They love to judge, like everything.

You think I care what you think about me ? Gah, give me break.
Everyday, people judge. No matter how much you tried to change yourself, they judge.
So I've decided not giving a damn anymore. Heck care how you think ? This is my life I'm gonna live it with the way I love to. 

No matter how much I tried.....

You know. How much I've changed. I hate people judging.
Not pretty, Not smart, Not skinny, fat, short, ugly... etc

I've been listening all these comments from others, maybe they were just joking with it. But seriously, imagine you're the one receiving these comments.
Not saying I'm pretty now, but yea, I was a ugly girl when primary school and sec 1 and 2.
Then I started to change I learnt how to make up, I learnt how to dress well, I learnt how to behave like a girl.....

You will never know how much efforts I've put in. 

Yea I make up and so what ? 你以為我不希望自己不用化妝就可以很漂亮嗎 你以為七早八早起床化妝是一件很舒服的事嗎.

--If you don't have anything nice to say, just STFU.


New Blog

Hey peoples ! Here with my new blog, so forget all the bad things , forget all the past.

Let's start , FROM HERE .

Get a life ! Hey com'on , I'm 16 !